Friday, April 24, 2009

Day 22: Another Fangirly Post about Kaleb Nation

On Saturday, April 18, 2009, Kaleb Nation's first novel entitled Bran Hambric: The Farfield Curse, opened for presales on It started off in the top 100,000 in sales (which, according to Kaleb, is extremely good considering he is a new author, the amazon website doesn't even have the cover art up yet, and for it just being put up THAT day). He told us at that day's blogtv that he didn't want us to order the book until one specific day in May (the month the book was originally supposed to open for presales) so that his ranking would get really high. But, apparently, some didn't listen; because in a matter of 3 days Kaleb's book went from being ranked over 100,000 to being just above 14,000! He posted a blog on, on April 21, 2009, that if he got under 1,000 before 10pm CST time that he would do a blogtv. Well, we listened! In a matter of 45 minutes, we got Kaleb's book from the 12,000 that he was at right after he posted the blog, all the way up to around 685. So, of course he went live.

This is when I started to have the second best day of my life:

When he first started the blogtv he asked who could see him. I immediately said, "I can see you!" He then said, "MrsJasperHale, can see me," along with a few other names (but who cares about them anyway lol ^_^). Later in the show he went to go check his @replies on twitter. I thought that this would be a good time to ask him if he had sent out my cover art proof yet. He read the twitter; he was all no, MrsJasperHale it's still sitting here but I am sending it out tomorrow (today). I twittered him back saying thanks and asking how long it should take. He, again, answered my twitter! He said that it should be here in about a week (so about a week from today I will be one very happy girl!!). I decided to be the polite person that I am and twitter him once again saying thanks and also saying that I was going to preorder two copies of his book, one to read and one for him to sign (if you think that's bad my friend Nora, who is on my collab channel on youtube, told him that her principal ordered 140 copies!! and a lot of teachers were ordering 20-40 copies for their classes). He read the twitter and laughed (he has such an adorable laugh lol) and said thanks for preodering my book, MrsJasperHale.

I pretty much fangirled right then, I had already gotten around 5 or 6 shout outs from the god that is Kaleb Nation! So, yet again, I twittered him, this time saying that he had just made my life and that I had gotten about 5 or 6 shout outs and was basically going to die from the happiness. He again laughed and was all well here comes number 7! I am pretty sure that I did actually die...and it took pretty much all the will power that I don't have to not scream at the top of my lungs much as I did when I won the cover art proof (my parents and my sisters were all sleeping and I don't think they would've liked it much ^_^).

Also, today, I did go and preoder Kaleb's book (I only ordered one today but plan to order the other soon). I also preodered the Twilight Saga Official Guide that is scheduled to come out just 21 days after Kaleb's book! And, I offically have bought all of the Twilight books! I ordered the box set of all four books in hardcover. Those should be here, according to the amazon tracker, by April 27th. So, I am super pumped about that!

Oh and, since today is Wednesday, American Idol is on. Last week they saved Matt (yay!! So happy even though I can't wait to see him again, I would rather see him on tv!!), so this week TWO people had to go home. Luckily, Matt was safe again, and wasn't even in the bottom! Lil Rounds and Anoop Desai went home (oh darn...). Next week, the theme is Jazz week! Matt will pretty much kill at it, since that's a lot of what he sings at Monaco Bay (where he works). I am really looking forward to that...although I don't think that he will make it past the top 4, I am so excited to know someone on Idol! It's really cool even though it does make me kinda bias...And, even though I don't think that he will win, I have a feeling that he will get a record deal out of it...someone will pick him up. He is way too good to just let slip by. So, basically I know someone famous! Yay me lol...

I am not sure if I will post tomorrow or not it really just depends on how lazy (or not lazy) I

Saturday, April 18, 2009

I am completely freaking out right now!!!!

Today was a day of serious epic proportions...I won a signed picture of Kaleb Nation's book, Bran Hambric!! I am so totally excited right now, I seriously feel like I am either going to throw up or die...maybe even both...

Last night around 3 am EST, Kaleb's book cover was released to the pubic, and it is AMAZING!!! The link once again is The new website and the new book trailer was also released last night. Today, since it was the day that all the Bran Hambric stuff was released he decided to have a blogtv and give away some crazy cool stuff. He did the blogtv at Melanie Payne's house (from M Squared with, obviously, Melanie. At all of his blogtv's he does twitter contests, which is exactly how it sounds, a contest via twitter. Also, during his blogtv's he gives away phone calls. So, first, Kaleb gave away a phone call to someone who's user name I cannot remember. He talked to that girl for about 5 minutes, which is how long his calls last.

Then, Melanie, decided that she wanted to give away a phone call too. At first we all wanted her to call Jackie aka TwilightGurle, who is very high up on Kaleb's friends list because she reminds him of his little sister ( But, she ended up doing a twitter contest too. So, as I were entering I heard them saying that they had the person who won and I went back to the tab that blogtv was set up in. Melanie then announced the winner who happened to be my friend Rachael. I private messaged her and told her congrats and how jealous I was of her because she was going to talk to Melanie! They talked for about 20 minutes and after they were done talking she and I talked about how cool it was.

Melanie, at the beginning of the show, when Kaleb announced that he was giving away the very first signed picture of the cover of Bran Hambric, announced that she was giving away a poster of Hannah Montana on one side and Zac Effron on the other. Oh, and it was signed by both Melanie and Kaleb, so it was a lot cooler than it was before. I, of course, entered for it not for the pictures on the poster but for the signatures. I didn't win though because I am just not that lucky...I wasn't expecting to win. A girl named Alaetra won (pretty name but I was kinda jealous).

Then it was the moment that everyone in the room was waiting for, the Bran Hambric cover! In order to win, we had to type into twitter @kalebnation Bran Hambric...I entered about 2 or 3 times and that normally isn't enough to win, I didn't hear them say that they had a winner so I was still entering. I, then, heard Melanie say, "Can I announce the winner?" I am assuming that Kaleb nodded his head or something of that nature since I didn't hear him reply. Melanie, then, started to say MrsJasperHale.

I was sitting in the living room watching tv at the same time with my parents. When I heard her say my name I screamed at the top of my lungs. My parents looked at me like I was completely insane and asked me, "Did you win something?" I started to explain to them what I had won but since they have no idea who Kaleb is, they didn't understand why I was freaking out. I did the whole fanning myself thing with my hand, I was shaking uncontrolably, I couldn't type, and I, most certainly, couldn't think. Kaleb, then sent me a direct message asking for my address so that he could send out the picture. I had to send him an @reply because since my brain was going on the fritz couldn't remember how to send a stupid direct message. I felt completely stupid because as soon as he started to tell me through blogtv, my brain miracuously started to work again...all the time I was doing this I couldn't stop saying, "Oh my god. Oh my god, Oh my god," over and over again.

I still can't believe that I won...and I know that it won't fully set in until I am able to hold the proof in my hands. I can't wait until it comes in the mail; but, I keep thinking that I told him the wrong address, so, about every 5 minutes I check the direct message that I sent him. I am pretty sure that it's looks right anyway. Lol. I am so incredibly happy that I won because I never win anything.

So, this is my BEDA day 18...DFTBA and please comment. I like comments they make me happy! =)

What? I'm actually posting a BEDA? NO WAY! lol

Okay, so I haven't posted a BEDA blog in about a week...go me! Basically, I am very lazy and although it may not seem very hard to post a measley blog once a day, I am just not that creative. So, this will count for every day that I haven't posted...

The last time I posted I was talking about how I entered the Ellen Degeneres biggest Twilighter contest. And, talking about the Twilight collage that I made. Even though you really can't see the pictures and quotes very well, there's a picture of it. It took me forever since everytime I thought I had enough pictures for it I kept coming up with more blank spots. But, I finally got it done at 3 am, and I think that it turned out pretty well!
So, today Maureen Johnson announced the BEDA buddies on her ning. I now actually have incentive to post a blog. Before it kind of seemed like a waste of time to post a blog because no one ever read them, but now I have people that will be reading them! Yay! Hi, to my BEDA buddies (Courtney, Geri, and Evie, I hope I got all of your names right...let me know if I didn't lol I'm not good with names).
Today, well, technically yesterday, I closed the auditions for my collab channel! I am so happy because that means no more watching auditions and everyone I have picked I won't have to change again! I am super excited to announce the members and to start the channel. It's going to be so much fun. I am pretty sure that the channel is going to be called PunchingWerewolves7 but not 100% sure yet. I will post it in a blog when I know for sure.
I think that's really all that happened since my last post besides camping out in Kaleb Nation's blogtv room for tomorrow night's blogtv! Those are always fun. And, the cover art for his book has been released...well, the majority of it has, he should be posting the rest of it anytime now! If you would care to check it out, go to There are also preview chapters that you can read. If you don't know who Kaleb is, he has a blog called Twilight Guy ( and he decided one year ago (April 16th, 2008) that he wanted to read the Twilight Saga to find out why so many people pretty much worships them. He goes through and reads each chapter of the books and then posts a blog about that chapter. He is currently on chapter 4 of Breaking Dawn, so he's almost done! It's going to be kind of sad once he finishes, even though I have only been reading his blogs since January and a lot of people have been reading it since last April.
He also does super amazing contests on Twilight Guy, blogtv, twitter, and youtube. One contest that is going on right now is he recently recieved, from Stephenie, signed copies of the box set of books. Each book is signed, the box that they come in, and the post cards that also come with it. He also recieved from Christian Serratos (aka Angela Weber in the Twilight movie) about a hundred signed photos of herself for future contests!
Well, that's pretty much all, maybe I will actually try to be better at posting, if not every day, then at least every other day...
As always, DFTBA, and much love!

Monday, April 13, 2009


I know I haven't been very good at this whole BEDA thing but I really have no time to do anything...
Well, since I am already typing this might as well turn it in to a BEDA post! So, today I didn't do much besides actually start AND finish my Twilight collage! I spent about 12 or more hours working on it. It looks amazing though! I also entered Ellen Degeneres' contest to find the biggest Twilighter. I took a picture of me with my twilight book and my Edward shirt in front of the poster.
I also finally got my hair dyed purple! And it looks amazing! I absolutely love it!
That's about it for today...maybe a more interesting one tomorrow...

Friday, April 10, 2009

BEDA: Days 8,9,10

Sorry that I didn't post an actual blog for Day 8 and 9 but I didn't have anything to write about. I am a very boring person so not much goes on in my life. Yesterday was my little sister's birthday and so we went to Red Lobster for dinner, which was amazing! I also got my hair dye so my mom is going to do my hair tomorrow most likely. I'm really excited because I will finally have some random colour in my hair! Today I got accepted into the Eternal Original's role play group on myspace. I am really excited about that since it is pretty much the second coolest Twilight RP group on myspace! Well, that is basically it for today. Later yall! DFTBA!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

BEDA: Day 7: American Idol

With today being Tuesday, if you live in America and know anything about anything you would know that Tuesday means American Idol! This season I actually know someone on Idol! Matt Giraud is a long time family friend. He is also my 8 month old baby sister's godfather. It is so amazing to know someone on Idol because we get to go out to Wild Bull (the sister bar to where Matt works, Monaco Bay) every Tuesday. At the watch party, we get to play American Idol bingo, which is simply having a piece of paper with different quotes that the jugdes are known for saying; so, it's extremely easy. Tonight we got a very special prize that might have a chance to win...Kelly Clarkson tickets!!! I really hope I win because I want to see her in concert so bad! I absolutely love her. I even got Tiffany and Alyssa to enter for it so if they won then they could give my the tickets sonce niether of them care for Kelly. I have a pretty good chance of winning; I entered myself, my sister, my parents, and Tiff and Lyss. So, I really hope that one of us is chosen. That's pretty much all for today. DFTBA

BEDA: Day 6: Sorry I'm late -_-

It is now 2 am on April 7th meaning that this blog is officially LATE! Really sorry about this but I was just having an extremely bad day and if you follow me on twitter than you already know this whole story. I am not going to go into any details because it's not really important and I have just given up on caring about it any more. The jist of it is that my dad is a jerk and I hate him. So, there you go. I don't really have much to talk about in this blog but then again what else is new. If you have any suggestions and/or requests let me know in the comments. I know that I keep promising a Twilight party blog but I haven't had time to do it just yet. Most likely tomorrow or Thursday since I will be at school pretty much all day. Wednesday may be another late blog day since I probably won't be online at all which really sucks because all of my friends are online and I need to talk to them all so I don't go insane. The reason I will be gone on Wednesday is because I will be home all day and really do not need to give yet another reason for my dad to chew my head off and bitch. That's pretty much all for today kids! DFTBA!

Sunday, April 5, 2009

BEDA: Day 5: I really need to move out

I am not really sure how I should begin this blog but today has been shit so far. And that is really sad since it is only 2:36 and I woke up about an hour ago. First, off my father came in and started bitching at my sister for not cleaning, even though she was cleaning. He then went on to say that no is allowed to eat unless we clean first, so therefore if we want to eat three times a day then we have to clean three times a day. After awhile of him bitching my sister started crying and my father then said how he wished he never had children.

Honestly, I wish he never had children either. He is a shitty father, doesn't care about anyone except himself, and could care even less about doing anything. My father is an asshole, and will always be an asshole, there is no way around it.

My mom was going to divorse him about 2 years ago but then decided that she was going to wait for Bri to graduate from high school. But that was before she got pregnant. Now her plan is to wait until Kenzie graduates from high school. Kenzie is 8 months old. I really hate my mom for doing this because I don't what Kenzie going through the same shit that Bri and I had to go through. I believe that if you are a parent and in a shitty relationship then you need to get out for the kids sake, it shouldn't matter what the hell you think; the children need to come first.

What I think is hilarious about my father is that he eats maybe 6 or 7 times a day meaing that he should be cleaning 6 or 7 times a day...guess what? He doesn't. We are lucky if he cleans once a week. And, another great thing of his little "rule" is that parents are supposed to give their children three things, clothing, shelter, and food. Otherwise it is considered child abuse. I have never said this to anyone before but I really want to get it out because I am sick and tired of holding it in...I do honestly believe that my father abuses Bri, my mother, and myself. Not like physical abuse, but emotional and mental abuse. I believe this because whenever he is having a shitty day or something doesn't go exactly as he planned it to, he will bitch at us for usually something we had no control over...and it is usually aimed at me. I could type so many different times that I have been yelled at, put down, called stupid, anything but I am positive that it would be as long as 3 of yesterday's post, just that alone.

I really need to move out because living here I am seriously afraid that it will kill me one day. It is way too stressful for me here and I am really getting tired of it. I do all that I fucking can and the only reason why my dad bitches at us so much is because his mother (bless her soul, and I loved her but still) cleaned up after him his ENTIRE life. He never had to clean his room, take care of his dishes after he was done eating, do chores, nothing. His mother did everything for him. I am pretty sure that because of this reason that he looks down on women and thinks that they are the only ones that can do anything.

I am really sorry for the emoness of this blog but I really just needed to get it out. DFTBA

Saturday, April 4, 2009

BEDA: Day 4: Shitty Time with Friends

As you all will know if you read my last post (sorry for the shortness of it I didn't want to type much since Ali was looking over my shoulder the entire time) that I went to my friend's house to stay the night. I was really fun hanging out with Tiffany and Alyssa but then Ali and her little brother Zach came over and all hell broke loose...well, for me at least. I am not really sure why I am friends with all of these people because we have basically none of the same interests. I like Twilight, they think it's a joke. They like manga, I think it's crap. They like video games, I like twitter. And, in this case opposites most certainly DO NOT attract. Well, except for Alyssa, I like her just fine.

When Ali and Zach first got there it was fine, Ali and I were playing with Renaldo (Tiffany's ferret) and Zach was playing video games with Alyssa. Alyssa left with Tiffany to go take Jacob home (one of Zach's friends that couldn't stay the night), that's when it started. With only Ali, Zach, and I at Alyssa's one-bedroom appartment, and I, being the only one who like Twilight, the Twilight bashing began. I have no idea why they started it maybe because I started talking about it, I don't know. All I did was say that I liked Twilight and was showing off my merchandise...that was it. I was not trying to get them to like Twilight and I was not trying to get them to talk about it...I just wanted it out there that I liked it so maybe they wouldn't bash it...well, so much for that plan. Ali started going all off about why Twilight sucked (vampires weren't supposed to sparkle, they weren't supposed to drink animal blood...). Zach then asked me if I read manga, I said no because it doesn't catch my interest. He immediately shot back with that's why you like Twilight then, because you haven't read and thing good. I'm sorry but no, I like Twilight because it gives me hope that one day I will find my "Edward" if you will, and that not all men are total douche bags. I like Twilight because it is a good read and Stephenie has a way of making you love her characters that very few authors can achieve.
I decided at this point that I didn't want to hear them bitching anymore so I got online and started to read The Puppet Master. I guess I shouldn't have because this is when Ali came down and tried distracting me with the fanfics that she likes and the ones that she had written. I didn't care since most of them were all manga crap and it just doesn't catch my interest. But, I let her try and distract me. She made me read a short Harry Potter one that I just kind of skimmed because I really didn't want to read anything but my Twilight fanfic. When I got done with the Harry Potter fanfic she tried to get me to play some random writing game and I was like I know that's my major and all but really I just don't care or want to for that matter. I went back to twitter and posted a new tweet...I don't remember what it said but I was really upset that Ali wouldn't leave so I could bitch about her. This is when she wrote the letter...

I love (fan) fictions. I love the heart-pounding action of a fight, or the gut-wrenching sorrowof a beloved character being killed. These emotions are neither faked or imitated. The impact of decisions are not lost on one, even just as a 3rd person veiwer.
There comes a time when one must put aside their books for awhile and live. To go outside and stare at the sky, imagining your own stories. To put a pencil to paper and write your thoughts. To go out and talk to people.
Even the most vivid story in the world cannot prepare one for the complexities of human interactions. Body language, tone, eyes, pattern of speech...
They can be described in a story, but only through experience can one learn to interact with people
Even if it is cutting back on the reading by 15 minutes, enough to drive to the nearest wal-mart and back. Humans are naturally social creatures, and denying yourself this part of life will destroy you slowly, no matter how many realites you can read yourself into.

Ok, first issue with this: what does it matter to her if I spend all of my free time reading? It's not her's not hurting her any.
Second issue: I don't have any good enough friends that I can just call up at any time of the day and say "hey let's hang out." All of the friends that I do have either don't like me enough to do that or I don't know them well enough to hang out with.
Third and final issue: the reason why I read so much is so that I can have a sense of friends. This is also the reason why I am online so much...all of my close friends are online and therefore I cannot call them up and go hang out whenever I want to...they live in different states and even different countries. This is also why I love Twilight so much, it has introduced me to so many people that I would have never met if I hadn't read the beloved series. I would have never started watching Team Twilighter, and never met Emy and Katie. I would have never met B or Kim, I would have never experienced the thrill of watching a Kaleb Nation blogtv and finding out what his newest contest would consist of. I would have never started my own Twilight collab channel and therefore never met Kurtis, Jenna, Marta, Emily, Jessie, Nora, and all the others who auditioned or even thought about auditioning. I would have also never started my Twilight Family.
Even though Ali doesn't think that people should just sit on the computer and not have a life, I believe that I ahve a very enriched life and love all of the people in it. They have gotten me through so much and for that I am etternally grateful, I will never forget my Twilight friends and I hope to one day meet every one of them.
Sorry for the lengthiness of this post, it makes up for yesterday's lame one! Love everyone, DFTBA! <3

Friday, April 3, 2009

BEDA: Day 3: At Alyssa's

Day 3 has been fairly uneventful so far...right now I am sitting at my friend's house and just had pizza for dinner. This blog today is going to be pretty boring since I didn't really do much today. I will try to get my Twilight party blog up tomorrow but not completely sure about that. I might go back later and u[date this a little more but right now I am too tired to think of anything creative to write. So, DFTBA. <3

Thursday, April 2, 2009

BEDA: Day 2: Fanfic Recommendation

So, day 2 is here and almost done with but I was reading fanfiction all day and was absolutely absorbed in it. It is seriously the best fanfiction I have ever read...well, it's the only fanfiction I have ever read! It is a Twilight fanfic and if you love the books, I totally recommend reading it. It's about this girl named Cammy who loves the Twilight Saga and has an aunt and uncle who just so happen to live in Forks, WA, the main headquaters of all the fictional action. Her aunt and uncle ask her to come stay in Forks for her junior year of high school to house sit for them since they are away quite a bit. She decides that it would be a good experience to stay there so she could learn how to live by and take care of herself...not to mention that she would be able to see the actual place that Stephenie based the book series on. Her first day of school seemed to be going normally until she got to Engilsh. It just so happens that she has a class with Jasper Hale...yes, the real Jasper! She faints and has to be taken to the hospital, here she meets Carlisle. She begins to realize that the characters that she had only thought were fictional actually existed! The next day at school she is texting her best friend, Donna, who still lives in Southern California and got her to read the Twilight books, about the previous day's activities. Donna began asking her what Twilight was and why Cammy had thought she had read it, Donna had never heard of the beloved series. When Cammy got home she immediately searched for all things Twilight...Stephenie Meyer, Edward Cullen, even Twilight itself, but nothing. It seems as though the it has disappeared completely. Cammy, however, still has her copy of the books (Twilight, New Moon, and Eclipse) and so now has the responsiblity to make sure that everything goes as planned in the story. But, all is not as easy as it seems.

That is all that I am going to tell you about the fanfic because I don't want to give any key information out to those who would like to read this and not be spoiled. I am completely in love with this story and have already gotten two others hooked on it (Ashley from Team Twilighter and my friend Kim). The link is hooked onto the title! Enjoy!

<3 Josie much love! DFTBA!

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

BEDA: Day 1

Hey everyone! If you don't already know, BEDA stands for Blog Every Day in April. Maureen Johnson started it and I decided that I would try it also.

Not much is going on today, other than the fact that it is April 1st aka April Fools Day, which just happens to be my least favourite day of the year. I hate it because I am the most gulliable person ever. Although I tend to steer away from trusting what anyone says on this day. I am very glad that I don't have school on Wednesdays because I don't have to worry about being pranked. The only prank that I have encountered today was that of our beloved Youtube. The creators of Youtube decided that it would be fun to make all of the videos in your subscription box to be upsidedown when you clicked on them to view. It sucks!

In my life, I have had a pretty good time since my last post. I have officially named my collab channel...Twerdfighters! I thought of this a few nights ago while laying in bed around 2 am not being able to sleep. It stands for Twilight Nerdfighters! I ablsolutely love the vlogbrothers so I am extremely glad that I thought of this name for my channel. Not much else has happened since my last post. Until next time, DFTBA! <3 you guys! Josie