Saturday, April 18, 2009

What? I'm actually posting a BEDA? NO WAY! lol

Okay, so I haven't posted a BEDA blog in about a week...go me! Basically, I am very lazy and although it may not seem very hard to post a measley blog once a day, I am just not that creative. So, this will count for every day that I haven't posted...

The last time I posted I was talking about how I entered the Ellen Degeneres biggest Twilighter contest. And, talking about the Twilight collage that I made. Even though you really can't see the pictures and quotes very well, there's a picture of it. It took me forever since everytime I thought I had enough pictures for it I kept coming up with more blank spots. But, I finally got it done at 3 am, and I think that it turned out pretty well!
So, today Maureen Johnson announced the BEDA buddies on her ning. I now actually have incentive to post a blog. Before it kind of seemed like a waste of time to post a blog because no one ever read them, but now I have people that will be reading them! Yay! Hi, to my BEDA buddies (Courtney, Geri, and Evie, I hope I got all of your names right...let me know if I didn't lol I'm not good with names).
Today, well, technically yesterday, I closed the auditions for my collab channel! I am so happy because that means no more watching auditions and everyone I have picked I won't have to change again! I am super excited to announce the members and to start the channel. It's going to be so much fun. I am pretty sure that the channel is going to be called PunchingWerewolves7 but not 100% sure yet. I will post it in a blog when I know for sure.
I think that's really all that happened since my last post besides camping out in Kaleb Nation's blogtv room for tomorrow night's blogtv! Those are always fun. And, the cover art for his book has been released...well, the majority of it has, he should be posting the rest of it anytime now! If you would care to check it out, go to There are also preview chapters that you can read. If you don't know who Kaleb is, he has a blog called Twilight Guy ( and he decided one year ago (April 16th, 2008) that he wanted to read the Twilight Saga to find out why so many people pretty much worships them. He goes through and reads each chapter of the books and then posts a blog about that chapter. He is currently on chapter 4 of Breaking Dawn, so he's almost done! It's going to be kind of sad once he finishes, even though I have only been reading his blogs since January and a lot of people have been reading it since last April.
He also does super amazing contests on Twilight Guy, blogtv, twitter, and youtube. One contest that is going on right now is he recently recieved, from Stephenie, signed copies of the box set of books. Each book is signed, the box that they come in, and the post cards that also come with it. He also recieved from Christian Serratos (aka Angela Weber in the Twilight movie) about a hundred signed photos of herself for future contests!
Well, that's pretty much all, maybe I will actually try to be better at posting, if not every day, then at least every other day...
As always, DFTBA, and much love!

1 comment:

  1. Your collage is sweet! Let me know when your channel is up and running and I'll subscribe, k?
