Thursday, March 26, 2009

Nothing really interesting...

Sorry I haven't posted in forever and a day but nothing to awfully exciting has happened lately. The only things that would be worth mentioning would be Matt killed last night on Idol so there is NO way he is going home tonight, I am starting yet another collab, and while watching the news last night I saw a commercial for the Allegan County Fair and Kelly Clarkson is performing and I might get to go.
Okay, so, I guess that actually there were a few things that happened! The other collab that I am starting is going to be a role playing collab. Emy from Team Twilighter and I are working on it together. Emy is also currently working on a background for the channel, which I am super excited about since I am challenged in that area of expertice and Emy's personal channel (EmyLovableCullen) has a super cool background that she also made! (As of last March 29th, the background is now up and is AMAZING! Thanks Emy <3) Basically, we're having people audition for different positions and then we will vlog how we fell that the character would do it. We are going to start out with how everyone felt about Bella moving to Forks and becoming the center of attention. Emy is going to be Rosalie and I am most likely going to be Jessica. In order to get to this youtube page click the title of this blog and it should take you least that's what they tell me! lol
The Kelly Clarkson thing I am so excited about! She is going to be at the ACF on September 12th, 2009. I want to go so incredibly bad, I have wanted to see her in concert since she won Idol, and have yet to have a chance to. I really hope that everything works out because my dad said that he may be able to get tickets...I really hope that I can go with a friend though because it would be that much more fun if I could go with someone who actually likes Kelly, too. I also hope that she will do autographs because then I can get my CD signed and maybe get a little something for Michael Buckley of the What the Buck show. He loves Kelly so that would be super awesome if I could get him an autograph and send it to him!
OME I can't believe I forgot to tell you about the Twilight Party!! I think I'll do that in another blog though because this one is already fairly lengthy...pretty good for nothing cool happening haha. (EDIT April 2nd: Sorry for not having that blog up yet because I keep forgetting to do it! lol)

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Sometimes I really wish....

Sometimes I really wish that I had never read Twilight and gotten so obsessed with it because I am about to go broke with all the stuff I want to buy. If you want to know just what I mean, here is the list and cost of everything that I want (well, its not even everything):

Twilight Saga Box Set (from Costco): $46.99
Ulitmate Collector's Edition DVD set (from Costco): $59.99
Border's Special Edition DVD: $29.99
Twilight Collector's Edition (from Walmart): $15.00
Director's Notebook (from Border's): $12.59
Twilight 18 month Calender (from Border's): $16.99
Edward door length poster (from Blockbuster): $10.00
Twilight Board Game (from Walmart): $14.97

Added all together for a grand total of $201.54. And that doesn't include everything that I have already bought...I have already spent around $100 (including twilight bracelets, the Hot Topic DVD, stickers, candy, a button, and a keychain). It's really starting to get bad...for my birthday all I am going to ask for is Twilight stuff. So, maybe my family can help me out a little bit. I really wish that my birthday was closer though, not in August and not so close to my baby sister, so I am probably going to get shit again this year because my parents are going to spend all their money on the baby when she doesn't even understand what's going on....
I am planning on getting the Director's Notebook on Friday and maybe the calender, not sure yet. That's all for now, DFTBA!
<3 Josie

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Boredum can kill

I decided that I was going to just ramble on today about nothing in particular because I got to school early today (I got here at 9 class isn't until 2 pm) and I am bored out of my, here it goes.

I think that I have mentioned my collab channel before (I think in my first post?) well, that is still going very slowly but I may have about 4 spots filled so that's good I only need 3 more. On my channel so far there is Jenna and I am probably going to choose Marta because she seems pretty awesome and Nora has yet to audition but I think I will choose her (she lives in Forks! How awesome is that??). So, if on the off chance you are reading this and love Twilight and would like to be on a collab please go check out my channel it will be greatly appreciated!

Tonight I am going to an American Idol watch party because I live in Kalamazoo and if you watch Idol then you woudl know that Matt Giraud is from Kalamazoo, too. I am really excited that Matt made it to the show (I know him, he is actually my baby sister's godfather!) and it's making living in Michigan that much more bareable.

I decided that I really need to move out of my house because I am starting (well i have been for awhile) to get tired of my parents (especially my dad) bitching at me for every little thing. My dad has a very short temper and if one little thing does not go exactly the way he wants it to then he will yell at whoever the next one he sees...which is usually me. I am way too stressed already and can't deal with it anymore. I have two friends that have said that I can move in with them so I have a place to go but I need a job first because I'm not the kinda of person that is just going to move in with someone and expect them to pay my part of the rent until I find a job. I know myself if I did that I wouldn't try very hard to get a job.

Well, that is it for my random rant, until next time DFTBA and <3>

Monday, March 16, 2009

Texting Lies

Yesterday I was supposed to go to a movie with my "best friend" (the girl mentioned in the last post) and I wasn't all that excited about it. But, luckily she never told me anything about it and didn't text me back until today (thank god). In this text message she asked me if I wanted to spend the night on Friday. I happily replied back with I can't Im going to the hot topic dvd party for twilight. I'm almsot positive that when I go back to check my cell there will be a text from her saying something along the lines of "oh ok. can I go?" Which I will happily lie and say I was invited to go by someone else. Just because I would rather not hang out with her right now. It gives her too many chances to bitch.
Sorry for the shortness of this post (not like anyone is actually reading this haha) I just really wanted to post something and not much is going on today besides me skipping my class again. I know that I shouldn't but I just hate my Mon/Wed class, I have a D in it which makes it all the more fun. Well, until next time, DFTBA!

Sunday, March 15, 2009


I have recently come to realization that the guy I didn't think I had any feelings toward, I am in love with...well, at least I think I am.
Basically, I used to have a crush on this guy that I met about 6 years ago online. But, I soon noticed that I really didn't feel that way...he was more of a big brother to me; so, I let it drop. Over the past few months, however, I have gone back to where I thought I was 6 years ago. It really sucks though because I have NO idea how he feels...he tends to give me mixed signals. For example, one second he will be flirtling with me, calling me gorgeous, asking me about dating (like what my perfect date would be, what I would like to get on a date, like flowers or such) but then the next minute he will be calling me his "sister" and treating me like a little sister.
The whole feelings thing didn't come back until my best friend began dating him around Christmas last year. It only goes to prove the you don't what you have until it's gone. Since then, like about two weeks ago they broke up mainly because of me, but it was also because of her. Basically, she cheated on him and lied about it.
The whole story behind this is that the people that she usually babysits for called me up the day after Valentine's Day and asked me to babysit. I thought this was really weird because they always have her babysit. I agreed and they came to pick me up, while in the car, Darin, asked me what I thought about her boyfriend and by this time I thought that she and my "brother" had already broken up because she had cheated on him before and I told him, yet again she lied to him. So, I told Darin that I didn't know that she had a boyfriend and he said that it was the reason why I was babysiting instead of her, she wanted to hang out with him. Once I got home from babysiting I immediatly told him. She soon after got online and he talked to her about it. She then IMs me and starts bitching at me for telling him false information. He finally decided that he had enough of it and broke up with her.
So, now he keeps treating me like he likes me but I don't really know because, once again, of the mixed signals. Honestly, I can see me marrying him later in life just because we are so close and have been "together" for 6 years. I guess I will just have to wait and see how everything works out in the end. Until next time, DFTBA.


1. I died:
2. I kissed you:
3. I lived next door to you:
4. I started smoking:
5. I stole something:
6. I was hospitalized:
7. I ran away from home:
8. I got into a fight:

9. Personality:
10. Eyes:
11. Hair:
12. Family:
13. Looks:

14. Be my friend?
15. Keep a secret if I told you one?
16. Hold my hand?
17. Take a bullet for me?
18. Keep in touch with me if you went somewhere?
19. Try and solve my problems?
20. Love me?
21. Date me?
22. Sing/dance with me?

23. Lied to make me feel better?
24. Wanted to kiss me?
25. Wanted to kill me?
26. Made me cry?
27. Kept something important from me?
28. Thought I was annoying?

29. Who are you?
30. Are we close?
31. Have you ever wanted to date me?
32. Have you ever liked/loved me?
33. When did we first meet?
34. Describe me in two words:
35. What was your first impression of me?
36. Do you still think the same?
37. What reminds you of me?
38. If you could give me anything, what would it be?
39. How well do you know me?
40. When's the last time you saw me?
41. When's the next time you want to see me?
42. Ever wanted to tell me something?
43. What song do you think would describe me best?
44. Are you gonna post this in yours to see what I say about you?

Saturday, March 14, 2009


My parents decided that they were going to go out tonight and of course, my 14 year old sister, Bri, decided that she didn't want to babysit with me (like she ever does) and go out with her friends. So, once again I get stuck by myself with babysiting duty... For those of you who don't know I have a 7 month old baby sister named Mackenzie and, don't get me wrong I love her to death, but I have homework and things that I need to get done. Bri never helps out with the baby because she "has homework," she doesn't even do her homework she just shoves Kenzie off to everyone else and goes to sit in her room and pretend like she's doing it. It pisses me off faster than anything.
For example, today I was finishing eating lunch and my dad and Bri had just gotten home from my grandpa's house. My dad had Bri take Kenzie to feed her but Bri didn't want to and yet again used the homework excuse and put Kenzie in bed. She came over to turn the moniter on that was on the table next to me. When she got over to me I said, "I hope you realize that she isn't going to go to sleep." She shot back with, "I know but it's worth a shot." I knew for a fact that Kenzie wasn't going to go to sleep but does she listen to me of course not, that would be just way too easy. About 5 minutes later, lo and behold, Kenzie is fussing in her room waiting for someone to come get her. Bri comes back out of her room and I told her to go get her since she was the one that put her in there in the first place. She then starts yelling at me saying that she has to do her homework, but really if she was doing her homework she wouldn't be failing almost all of her classes. I then told her that the world doesn't revolve around her and that I, too, have homework but no one seems to care about that even though I, being a college student, have a lot more homework than a high school me I know, I was there.
So, Bri got to go out with her friends even though her half of the room (we have to share a room ugh) is not clean, she's failing classes and doesn't have any clean clothes so she had to steal some of my mom's clothes. I just think it's so rediculous that she gets to do whatever she wants without having to do anything in return and yet I do everything I'm told and get good grades and yet I never get to do anything. I just really need to get out of my house I am way too stressed out and can't deal with it anymore...but unfortunetly I don't have good enough friends that will room with me and I don't have enough money to live by myself.
Sorry for my bitchiness but that is the main reason why I have this, is so I can get all my bitchiness out and not have to wait to find someone that will listen to it. Remember, DFTBA!

First Blog

Hey everyone! This is my first blog and I wanted to finally make one of these mainly because I'm bored and need something to preoccupy me. So, being my first blog I will start off telling you a little about myself. My name is Josie, I'm 18 years old, I share a birthday with Steve Carrell, Madonna, and Vanessa Carlton (August 16th), and I am a college freshman. At college, I am studying to be a writer, my major is creative writing, and my goal is to move to LA one day and write screenplays. I have always had a love of writing but it took me until last summer to decide that it was what I wanted to do with my life...until then I wanted to be a veterinarian (but I don't like science and it takes A LOT of science lol). When I am not in school I love to read, write, watch and make youtube videos, hang with my friends, and go shopping. I also love to be random! Some of my favourite books are Harry Potter, Twilight, Inkheart, The A-list, Gossip Girl, and many more that don't come to mind at the moment.
Twilight quickly became the love of my life and I can easily call myself obsessed! I started reading the series on June 10, 2008, I discovered the series when the movie had been anounced and I wanted to read the series before I saw the movie, after the first chapter I was completely hooked! I love to talk about anything Twilight and most of my friends don't like it so it's hard to actually get to do it...that is why I am starting a Twilight collab channel on youtube. The channel is being called either TwitasticTwitubers, TwitasticFanpires, or TwitasticTwerds...not sure yet. I got the idea to do this from another Twilight collab, Team Twilighter. I absolutely love them and I have become really close with Katie (Tuesday) and Emy (Thursday) on the channel. They are two of the nicest people and I love talking to them. I saw the Twilight movie 7 times in theaters, and am going to the Hot Topic release party with one of my friends. I really can't wait for that, it's going to be a blast!
I really hope that I didn't bore y'all too much and I promise that these will get better...eventually! So, until next time, DFTBA!