Saturday, April 18, 2009

I am completely freaking out right now!!!!

Today was a day of serious epic proportions...I won a signed picture of Kaleb Nation's book, Bran Hambric!! I am so totally excited right now, I seriously feel like I am either going to throw up or die...maybe even both...

Last night around 3 am EST, Kaleb's book cover was released to the pubic, and it is AMAZING!!! The link once again is The new website and the new book trailer was also released last night. Today, since it was the day that all the Bran Hambric stuff was released he decided to have a blogtv and give away some crazy cool stuff. He did the blogtv at Melanie Payne's house (from M Squared with, obviously, Melanie. At all of his blogtv's he does twitter contests, which is exactly how it sounds, a contest via twitter. Also, during his blogtv's he gives away phone calls. So, first, Kaleb gave away a phone call to someone who's user name I cannot remember. He talked to that girl for about 5 minutes, which is how long his calls last.

Then, Melanie, decided that she wanted to give away a phone call too. At first we all wanted her to call Jackie aka TwilightGurle, who is very high up on Kaleb's friends list because she reminds him of his little sister ( But, she ended up doing a twitter contest too. So, as I were entering I heard them saying that they had the person who won and I went back to the tab that blogtv was set up in. Melanie then announced the winner who happened to be my friend Rachael. I private messaged her and told her congrats and how jealous I was of her because she was going to talk to Melanie! They talked for about 20 minutes and after they were done talking she and I talked about how cool it was.

Melanie, at the beginning of the show, when Kaleb announced that he was giving away the very first signed picture of the cover of Bran Hambric, announced that she was giving away a poster of Hannah Montana on one side and Zac Effron on the other. Oh, and it was signed by both Melanie and Kaleb, so it was a lot cooler than it was before. I, of course, entered for it not for the pictures on the poster but for the signatures. I didn't win though because I am just not that lucky...I wasn't expecting to win. A girl named Alaetra won (pretty name but I was kinda jealous).

Then it was the moment that everyone in the room was waiting for, the Bran Hambric cover! In order to win, we had to type into twitter @kalebnation Bran Hambric...I entered about 2 or 3 times and that normally isn't enough to win, I didn't hear them say that they had a winner so I was still entering. I, then, heard Melanie say, "Can I announce the winner?" I am assuming that Kaleb nodded his head or something of that nature since I didn't hear him reply. Melanie, then, started to say MrsJasperHale.

I was sitting in the living room watching tv at the same time with my parents. When I heard her say my name I screamed at the top of my lungs. My parents looked at me like I was completely insane and asked me, "Did you win something?" I started to explain to them what I had won but since they have no idea who Kaleb is, they didn't understand why I was freaking out. I did the whole fanning myself thing with my hand, I was shaking uncontrolably, I couldn't type, and I, most certainly, couldn't think. Kaleb, then sent me a direct message asking for my address so that he could send out the picture. I had to send him an @reply because since my brain was going on the fritz couldn't remember how to send a stupid direct message. I felt completely stupid because as soon as he started to tell me through blogtv, my brain miracuously started to work again...all the time I was doing this I couldn't stop saying, "Oh my god. Oh my god, Oh my god," over and over again.

I still can't believe that I won...and I know that it won't fully set in until I am able to hold the proof in my hands. I can't wait until it comes in the mail; but, I keep thinking that I told him the wrong address, so, about every 5 minutes I check the direct message that I sent him. I am pretty sure that it's looks right anyway. Lol. I am so incredibly happy that I won because I never win anything.

So, this is my BEDA day 18...DFTBA and please comment. I like comments they make me happy! =)


  1. Yay! :) Congrats!

    Kim ( I dont have a profile on any of those, so this is how I had to do it. lol)

  2. Lol well you should make one! =)
    <3 Josie

  3. Josie!!! YAY!!! I don't know who this author is but it's still exciting to be getting free stuff from him! I'm very happy for you!
