Friday, April 24, 2009

Day 22: Another Fangirly Post about Kaleb Nation

On Saturday, April 18, 2009, Kaleb Nation's first novel entitled Bran Hambric: The Farfield Curse, opened for presales on It started off in the top 100,000 in sales (which, according to Kaleb, is extremely good considering he is a new author, the amazon website doesn't even have the cover art up yet, and for it just being put up THAT day). He told us at that day's blogtv that he didn't want us to order the book until one specific day in May (the month the book was originally supposed to open for presales) so that his ranking would get really high. But, apparently, some didn't listen; because in a matter of 3 days Kaleb's book went from being ranked over 100,000 to being just above 14,000! He posted a blog on, on April 21, 2009, that if he got under 1,000 before 10pm CST time that he would do a blogtv. Well, we listened! In a matter of 45 minutes, we got Kaleb's book from the 12,000 that he was at right after he posted the blog, all the way up to around 685. So, of course he went live.

This is when I started to have the second best day of my life:

When he first started the blogtv he asked who could see him. I immediately said, "I can see you!" He then said, "MrsJasperHale, can see me," along with a few other names (but who cares about them anyway lol ^_^). Later in the show he went to go check his @replies on twitter. I thought that this would be a good time to ask him if he had sent out my cover art proof yet. He read the twitter; he was all no, MrsJasperHale it's still sitting here but I am sending it out tomorrow (today). I twittered him back saying thanks and asking how long it should take. He, again, answered my twitter! He said that it should be here in about a week (so about a week from today I will be one very happy girl!!). I decided to be the polite person that I am and twitter him once again saying thanks and also saying that I was going to preorder two copies of his book, one to read and one for him to sign (if you think that's bad my friend Nora, who is on my collab channel on youtube, told him that her principal ordered 140 copies!! and a lot of teachers were ordering 20-40 copies for their classes). He read the twitter and laughed (he has such an adorable laugh lol) and said thanks for preodering my book, MrsJasperHale.

I pretty much fangirled right then, I had already gotten around 5 or 6 shout outs from the god that is Kaleb Nation! So, yet again, I twittered him, this time saying that he had just made my life and that I had gotten about 5 or 6 shout outs and was basically going to die from the happiness. He again laughed and was all well here comes number 7! I am pretty sure that I did actually die...and it took pretty much all the will power that I don't have to not scream at the top of my lungs much as I did when I won the cover art proof (my parents and my sisters were all sleeping and I don't think they would've liked it much ^_^).

Also, today, I did go and preoder Kaleb's book (I only ordered one today but plan to order the other soon). I also preodered the Twilight Saga Official Guide that is scheduled to come out just 21 days after Kaleb's book! And, I offically have bought all of the Twilight books! I ordered the box set of all four books in hardcover. Those should be here, according to the amazon tracker, by April 27th. So, I am super pumped about that!

Oh and, since today is Wednesday, American Idol is on. Last week they saved Matt (yay!! So happy even though I can't wait to see him again, I would rather see him on tv!!), so this week TWO people had to go home. Luckily, Matt was safe again, and wasn't even in the bottom! Lil Rounds and Anoop Desai went home (oh darn...). Next week, the theme is Jazz week! Matt will pretty much kill at it, since that's a lot of what he sings at Monaco Bay (where he works). I am really looking forward to that...although I don't think that he will make it past the top 4, I am so excited to know someone on Idol! It's really cool even though it does make me kinda bias...And, even though I don't think that he will win, I have a feeling that he will get a record deal out of it...someone will pick him up. He is way too good to just let slip by. So, basically I know someone famous! Yay me lol...

I am not sure if I will post tomorrow or not it really just depends on how lazy (or not lazy) I

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